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Our range of machines

Continue watching the interview with CEO Victoire de Margerie at BIG 2024

Rondol Industrie is a privately-owned deeptech engineering firm specialising in hot melt extruders for the pharma, materials science, energy storage, cosmetics and food industries. Our flagship machine is the Vertical All-in-One twin-screw extruder, for which we hold both a Europe and US patent.

Prof Victoire de Margerie explaining the origins of the company

In addition to our cutting-edge extruders, we offer training, maintenance, as well as scientific and commercial partnerships. Existing key partners include Queens University in Belfast, SEQENS Group, Institut Jean Lamour in Nancy and Concordia University in Montréal. 

Get in touch

Please feel free to ask further questions, request a quote, enquire about customisation, or find out when we will next visit your part of the world.


All entries go directly to a member of our team.

Reason for contacting us today

A word of thanks...

We created Rondol Industrie in 2012 with the goal of adapting hot melt extrusion technology to the micro scale and to Pharma standards and contributing therefore to better and cheaper healthcare. Our team aims to leverage our combined experience in extrusion technologies to offer a wide range of energy-efficient machines that enable pharmaceutical companies to manufacture in better and cheaper formulations. 

Along the way we realized that our machines were capable of so much more than we first expected. We can now produce a diverse range of extruded products via custom dies for such applications as precise fasteners or solvent-free battery components. Best of all, our vertical extruders are much smaller than traditional machines, saving on expensive footprint and material costs. Ease of cleaning also enables a quick turnaround between production lots or trials. 

We are proud of what we have achieved so far and are growing partnerships with industry and academia in Canada, England, France, Germany, Northern Ireland and the USA. 

We have also twice been nominated for a Galien Award in 2020 and 2023.

Our team is immensely grateful to all our partners, without whose support none of this would have been possible. We look forward to solving more problems and making more friends in the years to come, so please do reach out or come and visit us in beautiful, historic Nancy!

Prof Victoire de Margerie
BASF logo
Seqens logo
Queens University Belfast logo
Institut Jean Lamour logo

Our Partners

Rondol Vertical Extruder

Experts in
Hot Melt Extrusion

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