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10.5mm Horizontal 40D Extruder

Durable machine contact parts

Experience minimal abrasion and extend machine lifespan with our optimized components.

Precise monitoring of process temperature

with autonomous control for each of the 6 zones up to 300°C (450°C optional).

Integrated controls for feeders

Enhance operational convenience with our advanced control panel and compatible feeders from which you can inject in-the-barrel additional materials, additives and even gases.

Versatile screw and design options

Cater to diverse R&D and production applications with our flexible design features such as our cast film die with various width and thickness options.

Easy to clean barrel

Ensure traceability with different sources of critical materials, thanks to inside liners which are smooth and easy to disassemble and clean.

Our larger 10.5mm horizontal extruder improves material flow, facilitates smoother mixing and provides temperature management. Scalable geometric proportions allow for seamless transition from lab testing to industrial production. Comprehensive range of upstream and downstream accessories, feeders and dies.

Contact us to find out more about this machine's capabilities and customization options.

View or download a technical specification sheet (PDF format).


Battery components


Batch production

Continuous manufacture


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