

HMI Controlled


Streamline your manufacturing process with advanced programmable logic controllers that put you fully in control of your application.


Compact controller solutions with integrated functions, powerful controllers for the highest demands



Rondo! PASS provides all material and process thermo-mechanical data using the convenient Graphical User Interface (GUI). The results are presented along with the screw profile, making them easy to read and interpret. The sort of parameters that Rondo! PASS outputs are: residence time distribution, material temperature, pressure, shear rate, dissipated energy, heating, viscosity, material transformation rate

Gain a competitive advantage

Overall Rondo!PASS allows you to run and monitoring details extrusions without actually using any product. This in turn allows you to optimize the process and the quality of the output whilst generating huge savings on very expensive additives such as those used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Easy to use and fast

Rondo! PASS is user-friendly, intuitive, fast and provides efficient solutions.

  • The extruder configurations, screw elements and generic products library are pre-installed on the software allowing you to launch simulations right after the installation.
  • No more than three hours of training is necessary to be able to use the software expertly.
  • Simulations converge in less than one minute allowing you to compare several configurations very quickly.

Optimise your process

Rondo! PASS analyses the material flow and the global system state to help improve and optimize:

  • The mixing efficiency of the process
  • The screw design
  • The operating settings
  • The chemical reaction of the product (reactive extrusion)
  • The product quality